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Parent-Teacher Fellowship

Giving our best through teacher support and parent engagement

Eastside Christian School’s Parent-Teacher Fellowship (PTF) focuses on building and maintaining a strong school community. We do this by engaging parents in volunteer opportunities as a way to serve our teachers, faculty, and students. When parents take the time to help with school-wide events or even volunteer in a classroom, they are making an invaluable investment into the students’ lives and helping to make the Eastside Christian School such a strong community.

What does the PTF do?

Our PTF and parent volunteers set a high standard of leadership in the way they serve the faculty, staff, students, and parents. The PTF strives to accomplish its mission by:

  • Planning and hosting purposeful events geared towards our mission

  • Coordinating volunteer opportunities for parents

  • Providing passive fundraising opportunities

  • Supporting classroom and grade level teachers with Class Coordinators

Events sponsored by the PTF foster community and include but are not limited to back to school events, special events specifically for moms and for dads, monthly parent fellowship coffees, dances, and celebrations.

Volunteer opportunities provided by the PTF go beyond events with encouragement for students and faculty through intentional prayer time as well as support for teachers in the classroom and covering cafeteria duty. Volunteers can also help with PTF fundraising opportunities and supporting Eastside through passive fundraisers and community partners.

In addition to supporting Eastside with events and volunteering, funds raised by PTF provide financial support for the school and have included, equipment purchases, donations toward productions, and supplementing school scholarship funds. PTF Funds are used to encourage teachers for their birthday and at Christmas as well as throughout Teacher Appreciation Week. Funds also encourage families of Eastside when life events such as a birth, death, or serious illness occur.

Class Coordinators are an extension of PTF and provide support to the individual classroom teachers, as well as parents in the class. These parents facilitate communications and classroom volunteer opportunities for parents while keeping a pulse on teachers’ needs throughout the school year.

PTF Board Meetings

Each school year, the PTF Board sponsors two meetings to facilitate continuing community awareness among parents, teachers, and staff members. The purpose of each meeting is to provide a time of fellowship for our school parents and staff, as well as inform parents of upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and school happenings.

PTF Membership and Volunteer Opportunities

Once a family has enrolled their child(ren) at Eastside Christian School, they are automatically a member of PTF.

PTF Leadership

Each year, our PTF is led by a board consisting of five members. The PTF looks forward to your support and participation through the many volunteer opportunities at Eastside Christian School. If you have any questions or need clarification about the role of the PTF, we encourage you to contact us.